Yarrow has an aromatic taste lined with sweet bitterness. It often gets hailed by many for its medicinal properties. You can also use it in your dishes for a bold flavor.
Yarrow is an herb that has a strong aroma and a distinct taste. The tea made from this plant has become a sensation among herbal tea lovers and health freaks. You may feel curious about what does yarrow tastes like or how to make good yarrow tea. You can find your answers in the coming paragraphs.
People do not consume yarrow tea for the taste but for the benefits. Yarrow can make a potent garnishing that elevates the appeal of your culinary skills. The right amount and appropriate usage transform it to a different level.
What is Yarrow?
Yarrow is an herb that belongs to the Asteraceae family that includes daisy. The scientific name of this magical plant is achillea millefolium. This native European plant has made its way to different parts of the world. They go by many other names like bloodwort, woundwort, devil’s nettle, etc.
Yarrow was used in ancient battlefields to control bleeding from wounds. They have leaves shaped like antlers that have a feathery softness. The flowers have a daisy-like appearance, though smaller in size. You can collect them during the summer season for the best flavor. This herb contains tannins and other chemicals that have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
The aromatic scent and medicinal value have made yarrow tea a popular herbal tea. You can make use of its leaves like basil and rosemary for garnishing.
Can You Eat Yarrow?
You can eat yarrow without any worries. But make sure not to consume in large quantities. The quantity we use in food will be safe. In large amounts, it may cause some adverse effects.
Some people can have allergic reactions to this herb. So be cautious when you use yarrow for the first time. Yarrow may mess with pregnancy, so pregnant women should stay away from this plant.
The above said problems are some common factors among many other ingredients. Yarrow is a safe and healthy herb that can be beneficial to you.
What does Yarrow Tastes like?
You can describe the taste of yarrow as faintly sweet but bitter. The astringent flavor of this plant makes it a perfect herb for garnishing. It has a lovely aroma that will remind you of licorice. This aroma lingers even after the plant gets dried and stored. This scent excites our olfactory senses so that the flavor gets felt profoundly.
The taste of yarrow has an aromatic tinge to it. You can understand that this makes yarrow a good flavoring agent. The flavor of yarrow reaches its peak during spring and summer. You can enjoy this unique flavor from the leaves at their best when it bears flowers.
Be mindful about taking yarrow only in small amounts as it has a strong taste. If you heat this herb, the bitterness will come out even more. As the flavor cannot stand high heat, it gets used fresh in the dishes. The flower also tastes similar and can be eaten safely.
What does Yarrow Tea Taste Like?
The most favorite use of yarrow could be as herbal tea. You will feel some bitterness accompanied by the intoxicating aroma. People do not consume yarrow or tea for the flavor, but for their health benefits. The taste may feel unappealing, but it could be true for most herbal teas.
Blossoms and leaves of yarrow get used for making the deep-tasting tea. As said earlier, you can harvest them during spring for the finest tea. The tea tastes herbal and subtly aromatic. You may not find the sweet finish of yarrow in the tea. Using sugar or honey accordingly can improve palatability.
You can find a mild earthy taste in the yarrow tea. It makes you warm and calm through its flavors. Lemon complements the sharp yarrow taste and makes it a delectable drink. Keep in mind that a little goes a long way in the case of yarrow. Even a teeny-tiny piece gives a decently flavored tea.
Using freshly plucked blossoms and leaves for tea will give you a light flavor and color. When dried, the taste gets more intense.
Medicinal Properties of Yarrow
Yarrow can improve digestion due to its flavonoid content. It has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces anxiety. You may have heard that yarrow can reduce period cramps and help with over-bleeding.
Yarrow has a bitter taste that can also feel mildly sweet. This herb offers a healthy herbal tea beloved by many. Though it may not taste that good, the benefits it holds conquer many hearts. Make sure not to consume it in large quantities.
The bitter, aromatic taste with a faint earthy note defines the flavor of yarrow tea. The tea does not have the sweetness of this plant. Lemon, honey, or sugar can make the tea taste delectable without destroying individuality.